Tenant democracy
Tenant democracy plays an important role in the daily life of the Jyrkkälä residential community and in decision-making. The tenants can actively have their say on common matters. In particular, Jyrkkälä’s strengths are its tenants, their strong sense of solidarity as well as the housing company’s competent staff.
Jyrkkälä’s tenant committee
The tenant committee appointed by the tenants acts as a link between the lessor and the tenants. It supervises the tenants’ interests and arranges different types of events. Among others, the tenant committee contributes to any reforms carried out in the area as well as common matters.
Together with the tenant committee, the housing company’s staff work towards ensuring safe, affordable housing. The Jyrkkälä area is developed continuously in cooperation with the tenants and on the basis of their needs.
Participate in the activities
Would you like to participate in the tenant committee’s activities? Contact Jyrkkälä’s office for more information!